Parents & Community » District Forms & Requests

District Forms & Requests

North Wasco County School District has provided the following forms below for individuals requesting information and/or services:
Materials Distribution Form
  • NWCSD 21 Board Policy KJA: Materials Distribution requires that nonschool materials (which are defined as materials which are not part of the recognized school program) will be distributed to students only with the review and approval of the superintendent or his/her designee. Requests by individuals or groups to distribute pamphlets, booklets, flyers, brochures and other similar materials to students for classroom use or to take home must be submitted to the superintendent a minimum of two business days before the proposed distribution.
Student Fundraising Approval Form
  • NWCSD 21 Board Policy IGDF: Student Fund-raising Activities requires that all school activity fund raisers must be preapproved by the superintendent or designee and supervised by the building administrator and appropriate advisor. Fund-raising projects involving the sale of products must be approved by the activity sponsor and by the principal before the activity is initiated. Solicitation of funds is expressly prohibited without the superintendent’s consent. To protect members of the community from unauthorized persons raising funds in the district’s name, a letter of introduction will be provided to all persons authorized to raise funds for the district.
Student Transportation in Private Vehicles / Proof of Vehicle Liability Insurance form
  • Transportation of students will be by the district’s transportation system or by a district employee’s vehicle, properly insured, except as provided as follows. Parents, employees and other designated adults may be permitted to use private vehicles to transport students other than their own on field trips or other school activities if specific conditions have been met prior to the activity.

District Complaint Procedure  / District Complaint form

  • North Wasco County School District has in Board Policy Complaint procedures for members of the public, parents, staff and students to make their concerns known and to afford the district an opportunity to review those concerns and respond to them.  Complaints will be referred through the proper administrative channels for solution before investigation or action by the Board.

Sexual Harassment / Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures & form

  • North Wasco County School District has in Board Policy Sexual Harassment procedures for all students, staff and other persons to learn & work in an environment that is free of harassment.  All staff members, students and third parties are subject to this policy.  Any person may report sexual harassment. Sexual Harassment Complaints will be referred through the proper administrative channels for solution before investigation or action by the Board.
Community Use of District Facilities
  • NWCSD 21 Board Policy KG: Community Use of District Facilities may permit the use of school facilities by residents of the district for civic and/or recreational purposes, providing that such use will not interfere with the school system. Such use shall not interfere with the regular instructional program of the district.  
Equipment & Materials Use Request / Agreement
  • NWCSD 21 Board Policy KGF/EDC: Authorized Use of District Equipment and Materials states that district materials and equipment will be used only for school purposes by district personnel on district property.  Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Superintendent and authorized use shall be consistent with ORS Chapter 244.